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Private Yoga Sessions

Empowering the Individual through Personal Yoga Practice

Yoga is a holistic, healing discipline that offers a broad range of tools for supporting health, healing and personal transformation. Yoga’s tools include physical postures, conscious breathing techniques, meditative practices, gestures, use of vocal sounds, guided self-inquiry, philosophy and much more. Since each person is unique, Yoga is most beneficial when adapted to the needs and capabilities of the individual by a skilled and experienced teacher. The teacher’s role is primarily one of understanding the student’s needs and designing and teaching the student appropriate practices that are both healing and motivating. The individual student is empowered to become an active participant in their own healing process through the commitment to a personal Yoga practice. 

For thousands of years, Yoga has been taught one-on-one teacher to student. Today most people in the United States learn Yoga by enrolling in a group class or buying a DVD. The problem with learning yoga in this manner is that these practices are generic and do not respect the unique physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the individual student. Studying Yoga in a group of people, all performing the same one-size-fits-all Yoga practice is a little like going to a medical doctor and getting the same treatment as everyone else. Yoga should be adapted to the individual and the prescribed Yoga practice should reflect the student’s changing condition, seasons, stages of life and growth. This is Yoga as it was intended to be – a truly holistic self-care system. 


Therefore, if you want to get the most benefit from practicing Yoga, it is best to have a personal practice designed by a knowledgeable and experienced Yoga teacher. Group classes can be a fun way to motivate you to continue to do your personal Yoga practice and to allow you to enjoy the energy and community of interesting, health-minded individuals.  If you are already participating in a group class, consider adding one-on-one instruction to your class regime and enjoy positive results with far greater depth, precision, safety, and comfort than is possible to achieve in large group classes. 

What is involved in private Yoga Instruction?

The first sessions is typically 90 minutes and additional sessions run 60 minutes in length. Private Yoga sessions offer each student the opportunity to work individually with their teacher to design a practice, which is tailored uniquely for them. Beginning and continuing students benefit from private study. The teacher spends time to get to know the student, to study his or her body, breath, behaviors and beliefs and designs a unique and appropriate practice, usually 20 to 30 minutes in length for the student to practice at home. The student works with the Yoga sequence for a week or two and returns for a second private lesson, typically one hour, to refine the sequence and make sure they are doing the postures properly. 

Ideally, students do their personal practice on a daily basis and meet individually with their teacher every four to eight weeks to check in and refine their practice. As the student evolves and progresses with their yoga practice, refinements can be made to keep them moving safely towards their goals.

Private Yoga sessions are affordable and cost about the same as a one hour therapeutic massage. Discounts are available for a package of three and six sessions.  Private Yoga lessons are very convenient. Private sessions may be scheduled at time convenient for you.


For further information regarding Private Yoga sessions or group classes with Michele Hoffman, E-RYT, C-IAYT,
call 651-301-1781 or email

Copyright 2012 Bluff Country Yoga
Classes in Red Wing, MN Hastings, MN and Cannon Falls, MN

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